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Welcome Carrie To WiB

Today we celebrate our newest U.S. team member, Carrie Ward. Carrie has served on the Water is Basic board, traveled to South Sudan and RDC, and raised loads of money for our work. To meet Carrie is to run into a big heart, that is passionate for those who on the bottom half of life. 

Carrie lives in Birmingham, AL with her two spunky girls and her high school sweetheart and husband of 21 years who has kept her laughing since the day they met. Their nomadic journey has led them all over the southeast where their love of learning, educating, and ministering to others has allowed them to enter into the lives of many, which is life giving to their highly relational make-up. Carrie has taught in the public school system and has served as a Children’s Director in the United Methodist Church. She fiercely loves children and has tirelessly served the vulnerable and the marginalized in the communities she has lived. 

In July of 2015, Carrie had the opportunity to travel to East Africa with Water is Basic, spending time in Yei, South Sudan and Goma, Congo. Having raised funds for clean water for several years prior to that trip, she is now more passionate than ever about this work. Carrie served as a WiB board member for a year and is honored to use her relational and organizational gifts to now work full time with Water is Basic. She considers this her dream job and is ready to do whatever it takes to help get clean water to the people of South Sudan and beyond, and to share this urgent need with others.