World Water Day — News — Water is Basic
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World Water Day

On World Water Day Your Gift Will Be Matched!

That means you can double your impact for women like Amou Luka Kuot, one of the history-making women well repair technicians in South Sudan! 

Amou, a mother of two, knows the pain of struggling to find water for her family. Her drive to successfully repair wells goes beyond the desire to learn a new skill. 

For her, it’s personal. 

We can help Amou as she works hard to stop the needless suffering women face. She has the training. She has the heart. Let’s make sure she has the spare parts.

Today we are raising $15,000 to provide three months of spare parts to women like Amou. The first $5,000 is being matched!

I can’t think of a better way to celebrate World Water Day and Women’s History Month. 

Thank you, 

Carrie Ward, Executive Director, Water is Basic