Before the conflict hit their area over a year ago, Rose and her household of 10 were retrieving water from their village well that ran on electricity. When the crisis hit, the power went out. There was no fuel to run the generator and so the well was useless.
Imagine caring for 10 people under your roof without the ability to provide the basics of water.
Rose owns 12 jerry cans that she and her family fill twice daily. With the well broken, the closest water source was over a mile from her home. Often that walk was not safe so they would need to go into town where they would have to pay 7 South Sudan Pounds per jerry can (about a nickel). That's money that could have been spent instead on food and other basic needs. By the way, a nickel multiplied by 24 (filling 12 jerry cans two times) is $1.20. That's more than the average person in South Sudan has in TOTAL to live on each day.
Rose's home is by the roadside, so often people would stop by her house for water. Just like we are willing to share a cup of sugar with our neighbors, Rose is happy to share water with hers. And in times of crisis, community members are dependent on one another. So of course, you share what you have.
This well was completely restored at the beginning of December and water now flows with ease by the hand pump that was installed.
On the day this well was reopened, jerry cans were lined up. People were excited, ready and waiting. Our team will never forget the cries of joy as clean water was pumped into the jerry cans.
There will be more time for education and work.
There will be more money for food.
There will be more life.
Water is More
Lining Up is a daily task