Give Water Now

Good News in DRC!

I think we all need as much good news as we can get lately. We have some! Here is what Josué Kwizera, our project manager in Kibumba, recorded in our latest report. He wanted us (and we want you) to hear directly from this school administrator.

 Thank you for your generosity!  

Because of you, our students are staying in the classroom! In our school, we have 200 students. It is costly to ensure the children's health and sanitation as they must travel to Mugunga village to fetch water and use the toilet. It takes two hours to get the water. Those two hours are crucial in the classroom as our kids are always managing planting, harvesting, and school. 

I cannot begin to tell you how much it means to us educators to have clean, safe water right here where we need it. Thank you, thank you, thank you. -Rwamampfizi Evariste

Rwamampfizi Evariste

Imagine this entire scenario from the child's perspective. You must wake up early to seek water, seek it again while at school, and again in the evening when you return home—so many hours wasted—more than 40,000,000,000 every year in Africa alone. A simple thing like water is robbing children, especially girls, of life and education. 

Many of us have experienced school falling from our grasp, now that COVID has impacted every student in America. The pandemic has only added to the challenges of education in DRC and South Sudan. But with clean water, they have hope and more opportunity.

I wanted you to hear one of the many impactful stories we receive every week. Just this year, donors have made it possible to build 180,000 liters of rain catchment systems and to launch our new Women's Well Repair Initiative. 

I would love for you to be a part of the magic happening as we work together to provide clean water and hope in Africa.


Steve Roese, Founder & President